
Name: Petr

Age: 16 (04.12.2001)

Country: Czech Republic


About BigBang1112

I'm BigBang1112, player of games (but mostly TrackMania)

and mostly known as a Videomaker.

I play TrackMania actively since 2013,

but I had some fun with Sunrise somewhere in 2009.

I'm player of all TM environments (including TM²) and I enjoy all of them.

My favorite style is Tech and LOL.

Besides TrackMania I do a lot of programmin and making

"cool" stuff - and that makes me happy and I really enjoy that. <3


- BigBang1112's Login(s) -

TrackMania United: bigbang1112

TrackMania²: bigbang1112

TrackMania Turbo: bigbang1112